I. General Information

Xstructure is a service for browsing and searching papers in arxiv.org (for more details, see About XStructure). In this service, each paper belongs to a theme, each theme belongs to a theme of a higher level, etc (the papers themselves are considered as themes of the ground level).

Each theme has a number of attributes. The attributes can be evoked via the following links:

  • Theme Name (Theme Abstract) is a set of 4 (20) word pairs reflecting the content of the theme. The pairs are generated automatically from the set of theme's article titles;
  • Authors is a list of authors ranged by their contribution to the theme. The contribution is computed by the citation graph;
  • Authority Articles is a list of papers ranged by their importance for the theme. The importance is computed by the citation graph;
  • Review Articles is a list of papers reviewing the theme. The list is created   by the citation graph and text information.
  • Subthemes is a list of themes of the lower level constituting the theme. The list is sorted by Theme popularity . We decide the popularity by total number of in-links.  For a theme of the lowest level, evoking this attribute prints out a list of papers constituting the theme. The list is sorted by publishing date.
  • Related Themes  is a list of themes most closely related to the theme. Relatedness is computed by the citation graph.
  • Blogs  is  a list of papers commented in blogs
  • Recent posts  is a list of papers commented in recent posts

II. Browsing  and Search

Xstructure suggests two ways of accessing the information: One can browse over the hierarchical tree of themes. The browsing can be started either by clicking the link Arxiv at the the main search page, or by clicking the link Theme tree appearing in the print out of the list of papers. The latter link localizes the position of the paper in the hierarchy of themes.

One can place a search request via a search form. The request is redirected to arxiv.org, and the result of the search contains exactly the same list of papers the user would get directly from arxiv.org. On top of that, the papers taken into account at the moment of search within the classification scheme of Xstructure are represented in the search result by a tree of themes.

The tree appears on the top of the page resulting from the search. In the tree, each theme is accompanied with two numbers.The first number  is the total number of papers in the theme, the second number is the number of papers in the theme meeting the search criteria.

The papers in the list appearing below the tree of themes are provided with links (refs, Cit, ThemeTree) allowing the user to get metainformation of the paper. A small number of papers appearing in the list may be marked with a pink color. Those are the papers that have not been included in the classification of Xstrucutre. (The reason for this is purely technical. In due time, each paper should find its place in the classification.)

In conclusion, some remarks on the sintax of the search requests. Put the request in double quotes for searching the exact string. Don't use logical expressions in the search request (so use, for example 'string theory' instead of 'string AND theory' in the request). If you search papers written by several authors, each name put inside double qoutes. If you want to use more than an author family name in a request (for eample, this may be useful when several authors share the same family name), family name should end the name of the author in the request.

It is also possible to see the fresh papers (they are the papers appeared in arxiv.org the day before) via the links like(new )